Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Asking Someone On a Date

Do you want to ask someone to have a date with you, but you don’t know what should you prepare?

Ok here is some guidelines for you.

Choose the right moment.

See her or his mood. Don’t go and ask her or him, while her or him in work, eating, in a group. Ask when she or he is free, no one beside them and she or he got nothing much to do.

Practice what you should say.

Make it simple, not to long and berputar-putar. Example, “Hi! My name is …. And I’m wondering if you are free for tonight dinner?” That’s enough. Practice it, in front of your mirror better, so you don’t appear in her of him face with tongue-tied.

Possibility, if she or he say no.

Prepare your self in this answer. Because if this happen, don’t take the rejection too personally, may be the rejection because she or he busy or don’t know you very well. So just thinking, later, when you ask, they will say, “YES!”

Prepare the date, time, and place.

Be sure that you have an idea which place that you are taking them going out. You better chose a place that you know very well, I mean the food, drink and place. So you don’t feel uncomfortable. When you feel uncomfortable, she or he will feel the same feeling as well.

Create sense of trust while talking.

Some people will ask, why you want to date them. Better you preparing the answer for that question. Because, people can be wary and may want to know some reason behind your request. You can say, “I always thought you are great fun… “ and so on.

Smile and make some humor.

Humor can break the gap between you. So when you feel a little but weird, just ad some humor while the conversation. Don’t forget the smile, because smile can bring you positive personality. Be happy and confident while dating.

Avoid asking them out while drunk.

Don’t ever try to take a shot while they drunk. Because, they will think you want to take some advantages from them. Better let them calm down, by giving some tea or coffee till not really drunk or just send them go home.

Don’t give them a pressure.

While talking if they want to think about it, let them. If they don’t want to answer you question just forget it, jump in to another topic.

Prepare for another date.

After this date, you will like to have another date whit them right? (if you like and comfortable with them). So you should prepare for another place to date, provide another place, time and location for your date.

Good luck.

Enjoy your date.

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